Retrofitting Your Sash Windows Will Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Retrofitting your windows is for more than just aesthetic purposes. One of the main reasons our clients choose to retrofit their sash windows is to increase the heat insulation in their home. If you’re looking to cut your energy bills while improving the look and functionality of your sash windows, we’re here to help. We’re covering everything you need to know about how double glazing your original sash windows will improve your heat insulation and boost your property’s value.

Retrofitting your sash windows involves adding double glazing, which will improve the security of your home, boost your heat insulation, and add an extra layer of noise reduction. Most of our clients have fallen in love with their sash windows – it might even be the reason why you purchased your property. With our Kent retrofitting service, you can maintain your original sash windows and add a double-glazed unit.

Most homes in the Kent and London area are not energy efficient because of their age. With everyone thinking about their environmental footprint, it’s never been a better time to retrofit your sash windows. Did you know that the average house loses 10% of its heat through its windows? If you live in an older home, your energy loss is likely to be higher.

Almost 2/3 of your heat loss comes from radiation getting into your home due to the window glazing. Your window frame acts as a conductor for the heat, with the frame’s material dictating its efficiency. Air leakage is another contributing factor to energy loss. It wasn’t a consideration with original sash windows, as the small gaps were intended to provide ventilation. During your retrofitting, we will draught-proof your sash windows to reduce heat loss and seal any gaps. 

By improving the energy efficiency of your windows, retrofitting also makes your home more comfortable by adding a double-glazing unit. Double-glazing helps to regulate the temperature of your living space. The temperature difference between the glazing and room is lower when you opt for double-glazing. 

Having sash windows retrofitted is not as straightforward as contemporary windows. You want to invest in a specialist team with expert knowledge of sash windows to carry out your retrofitting. It’s our goal to give you the efficiency of contemporary windows while maintaining the aesthetic of your original sash window.

We recommend retrofitting your sash windows wherever possible, as it will usually save you half the cost of replacing your sash windows. Along with reducing your energy bills, retrofitting is a more cost-effective option. Another aspect worth considering is that retrofitting will allow you to maintain the authentic look of your original sash windows.

If you’re considering retrofitting your sash fittings, we’re on hand to help you make your home more energy-efficient. At Box Sash Window Repairs, we offer repair and refurbishment services across South London and Kent. You can get in touch by calling us at 07415 390160 or by emailing us at [email protected]